oligogalacturonides (OGs)

FISVE (Fisiologia Vegetale)

FISVE (Fisiologia Vegetale)

Plant cell walls are the first line of defense against pathogen attack and regulate growth under physiological and stress conditions. Plant cells constantly monitor wall integrity to adjust growth and modulate defenses. We have shown that plants with altered pectin composition constitutively express defense responses and are more resistant to infections, but are severely impaired in growth. 

Four Arabidopsis berberine-bridge enzyme-like proteins are specific oxidases that inactivate the elicitor-active oligogalacturonides

Recognition of endogenous molecules acting as "damage-associated molecular patterns" (DAMPs) is a key feature of immunity in both animals and plants. Oligogalacturonides (OGs), i.e. fragments derived from the hydrolysis of homogalacturonan, a major component of pectin are a well-known class of DAMPs that activate immunity and protect plants against several microbes. However, hyper-accumulation of OGs severely affects growth, eventually leading to cell death and clearly pointing to OGs as players in the growth-defence trade-off.

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