open space

Public space and urban quality

Le rilevanti trasformazioni delle città e delle aree metropolita-ne contemporanee, pur compiendosi con forme, modi e tempi anche molto diversificati, sono tutte accomunate dalla centralità assunta dal progetto dello spazio pubblico. Ciò è particolarmente evidente nel contesto della città europea che storicamente si è sempre rappresentata proprio nelle forme dello spazio per la vita collettiva: la piazza, la strada, il giardino-parco.


The paper discusses the evolution of the concept of health and its relationship with the urban environment and design, starting from the first phase (1997) of the initiative of World Health Organization Regional Office of Europe ‘Healthy Urban Planning’. At the same time, the paper focuses on the evolution of the debate at European level and internationally produced initiatives and documents. “Healthy urban planning means planning for people.

A New Silent Spring. The creation of an Autonomy of women's thinking in the project of open space and urban landscape

The reflection proposes a survey on women's ability to operate in partial indipendence and free thought through the design space, especially the open space. The works publish in the essay, belonging to different individuals and even far apart, are all linked by the metaphor of open space: gardens, parks, urban squares. The list of scholars is very long, among them: E. Bishop, R. Carson, S. Sassen, R. Solnit, D. Scott Brown, T. Way and for the UE, Muf Architect, Pia Pera, Caterina Resta, Luisa Bonesio, E. Simkunaite ed Emanuela Morelli.

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