optical communication

LED-based optical communication on a nano-satellite platform

LEDSAT (LED-based small SATellite) is a 1-Unit CubeSat project equipped with a LED- (Light Emitting Diode-) - based payload, carried out by the S5Lab (Sapienza Space System and Space Surveillance Laboratory) research team. The satellite mission, conceived with the University of Michigan, has been accepted for the European Space Agency Fly Your Satellite! Programme and it will be launched in 2019. The project is primarily addressed at verifying and improving the current methodologies for satellites and space debris orbit determination by means of optical observations.

Resource allocation in a multi-color DS-OCDMA VLC cellular architecture

In this paper we present two resource allocations techniques in a visible light communication network with overlapping coverage areas due to the use of access points. Particularly, the first approach exploits the rate maximization criteria, and then aims at maximizing the network rate under constraints on minimum and maximum rates, while the other procedure focuses on achieving fairness in the rate of each user accessing the network. The proposed system relays on optical code division multiple access mechanism, and resource allocation is intended in terms of codes assigned to a given user.

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