
Joint optimization of area throughput and grid-connected microgeneration in UAV-based mobile networks

Small cells (SCs) mounted on top of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a promising solution to boost the capacity in hotspot areas. However, the adoption of UAV-SCs involves the planning of their missions over time, which includes the scheduling of recharging actions of each UAV-SC at ground sites. Typically, the energy needed to recharge UAV-SCs is derived from the grid, which can be coupled with microgeneration exploiting renewable energy sources (e.g., solar panels).

Methodologies for the design of solar receiver/reactors for thermochemical hydrogen production

Thermochemical hydrogen production is of great interest due to the potential for significantly reducing the dependence on fossil fuels as energy carriers. In a solar plant, the solar receiver is the unit in which solar energy is absorbed by a fluid and/or solid particles and converted into thermal energy. When the solar energy is used to drive a reaction, the receiver is also a reactor.

Revisiting the “M Stadium” project by Luigi Moretti. A forgotten model of parametric architecture

Nowadays the term parametric modeling refers to a computer-aided design process where digital representation and interactive computation allow designers to have complete freedom on their designs’ form and sometimes behavior. However, the term historically did not reflect such a freedom.

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