
Cyber-attacks and threats for healthcare - A multi-layer thread analysis

Due to the advent of novel technologies and digital opportunities allowing to simplify user lives, healthcare is increasingly evolving towards digitalization. This represent a great opportunity on one side but it also exposes healthcare organizations to multiple threats (both digital and not) that may lead an attacker to compromise the security of medial processes and potentially patients' safety. Today technical cybersecurity countermeasures are used to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and information systems - especially in the healthcare domain.

Vulnus: Visual Vulnerability Analysis for Network Security

Vulnerabilities represent one of the main weaknesses of IT systems and the availability of consolidated official data, like CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures), allows for using them to compute the paths an attacker is likely to follow. However, even if patches are available, business constraints or lack of resources create obstacles to their straightforward application. As a consequence, the security manager of a network needs to deal with a large number of vulnerabilities, making decisions on how to cope with them.

Communications in front of Cultural Diversity. The State-of-the-art on Intercultural Competences in Italy

Everywhere in the world the future of societies is interculturality, that is the living together of different cultures, mixing or conflicting each other. In fact, impressive processes of globalization and migration are reshaping the face of many regions in all the continents, and the redefinition of identities and social order is “the problem” of our modernity, concerning individuals, organizations, territories.

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