
The triclinium of the ‘Casa del Moralista’ and Its Inscriptions: CIL IV, 7698 = CLE 2054

The so-called ‘Casa del Moralista’ stands out from other houses in Pompeii on account of its summer triclinium’s parietal decoration; here, we find three metrical inscriptions which are unique in the Campanian city and rare in general. One elegiac couplet is found on each wall. These texts will be evaluated from a literary point of view, but also within their immediate environmental context, to understand whether their arrangement on the three walls of the room is random, or follows a logical order.

Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Twentieth-Century Italian Literature, ed. Alberto Comparini, Heidelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018 (Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, Neue Folge, 2. Reihe, Band 157). Un vol. di pp. 362.

Recensione del volume curato da Alberto Comparini sulla ricezione delle Metamorfosi di Ovidio nella letteratura italiana del Novecento.

Il “finale” dei Fasti. Un caso di semantizzazione dell’incompiuto

This paper deals with the hypothesis, suggested by several critics from the early Nineties onward, that Ovid’s Fasti is a complete poem in six books. This hypothesis is examined against the backdrop of contemporary critical interpretations and creative rewritings of Ovidian poetry, with a particular focus on critical
works focused on the fragmentary and heterogeneous nature of the Fasti.

Intratextual readings in Ovid’s Heroides

Starting from the so-called Sabinus-elegy, Ovid’s Amores 2.18, this paper focuses on intratextual connections between the single love-letters, the fifteen fictional epistles imagined as written by female heroines lamenting abandon from the men they loved, Heroides 1-15, and the double epistles, letters from male heroes paired with replies from loved women, Heroides 16-21. It also argues that Helen (Her.

Monumenti più forti del fuoco. Incompiuto, immortalità e potere nella poesia augustea

This paper aims to define the dialectic between “finished” and “unfinished” in the works of Virgil and Horace.
A final and shorter section will be devoted to Ovid. The dialectic finished/unfinished will be analysed within
the framework of three variously interrelated topics: its relationship to literary forms and models (especially
from Hellenistic poetry); the author’s self-representation and his projection of “immortality”; the context of
receptions among readers and the relationship with political power (first and foremost, with Augustus).

rec. a M. von Albrecht, Carmina latina, Frankfurt 2019

Recensione ad una raccolta di poesie in latino del filologo tedesco Michael von Albrecht. Il testo si caratterizza per una reticenza personale dell'autore, compresente con una apertura gioiosa e affettuosa nei confronti degli altri e del mondo in generale. Formalmente, il modello più presente è Ovidio, cui si accostano Virgilio come nume tutelare, e Seneca per i rari accenti esistenzialistici.

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