oxygen consumption

Heart failure prognosis over time. how the prognostic role of oxygen consumption and ventilatory efficiency during exercise has changed in the last 20 years

Aims: Exercise-derived parameters, specifically peak exercise oxygen uptake (peak VO 2 ) and minute ventilation/carbon dioxide relationship slope (VE/VCO 2 slope), have a pivotal prognostic value in heart failure (HF). It is unknown how the prognostic threshold of peak VO 2 and VE/VCO 2 slope has changed over the last 20 years in parallel with HF prognosis improvement. Methods and results: Data from 6083 HF patients (81% male, age 61 ± 13 years), enrolled in the MECKI score database between 1993 and 2015, were retrospectively analysed.

Acoustic and visual pacesetter influence on the energy expenditure in a cycling exercise

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of acoustic and visual pacesetters on the energy expenditure in a steady state 30-minute long cycling. METHODS: Eighteen healthy male subjects (age 27.6±4.59 years; height 1.78±0.07 m; body mass 80.1±7.85 kg) performed a 30-minute submaximal exercise at a constant workload on a cycle ergometer. The imposed workload required a metabolic expenditure corresponding to 70% of ventilatory threshold for each subject.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma