
Ancient languages and writing systems in contact: a touchstone for language change. - Lingue antiche e sistemi scrittorî in contatto: pietra di paragone del mutamento linguistico

Ancient languages and writing systems in contact: a touchstone for language change. - Lingue antiche e sistemi scrittorî in contatto: pietra di paragone del mutamento linguistico

The research group of Roma Sapienza, PI of a funded national project PRIN 2017, investigates phonological developments suspected or evidenced by heterographs, bi- and tri-lingual texts, lexical borrowings, with regard to Greek for the eastern Mediterranean area and Latin for the southern Mediterranean. Accordingly, the following issues are investigated:

I 'Codices Graeci Antiquiores' tra scavo e biblioteca

The paper presents the project Codices Graeci Antiquiores, whose goals are the census, the description and the study of Greek manuscripts in codex form from the first extant witnesses to the year 900 AD. Because of the extreme variety of the items included in such limits, a new catalogue description has been developed, by combining more epistemological models belonging to different disciplines, mainly codicology and papyrology.

Paleografia e grafologia. I primi risultati di uno studio integrato sulle tavolette in Lineare B di Knossos (The pa-i-to epigraphic project)

Abstract · Paleography and graphology. First results of an integrative study on the Linear B tablet from Knossos (the
pa-i-to epigraphic project) · This paper presents the first results of the Palaeographic and Epigraphic project
entitled “the pa-i-to project”. This project proposes a new methodological and analytical approach to the
palaeographic and graphological study of Linear B documents through the examination of the tablets by
new digital RTI technology. In particular, a new model of epigraphic drawing (defined “palaeographic

The Pa-i-to epigraphic web project,

Abstract · The pa-i-to epigraphic web project · In this paper Mycenaean palaeography is analysed from the
perspective of the new digital technologies. The author highlights the strengths and intrinsic weaknesses
of Mycenaean palaeography performed on the basis of traditional 2d photographs and drawings. In the
second part, the first results of the epigraphic, palaeographic and graphological studies applied to a group
of documents in Linear B from Knossos, digitalized through 3d and rti technique, are presented.


The seminars entitled Palaeography Between East & West, which I convened at Sapienza University, aimed at offering a forum, a place of sharing knowledge and debate, to scholars who deal with manuscript materials in

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