
Evidenze isotopiche e paleodieta nel neolitico pugliese. Verso la globalizzazione?

Le evidenze dirette della dieta in area Mediterranea nel corso del neolitico sono piuttosto limitate. in Puglia, la maggior parte dei dati paleonutrizionali proviene tuttora dal record archeologico, che per sua natura è soggetto a molteplici limitazioni. in questo senso si inseriscono le indagini degli isotopi stabili di carbonio e azoto misurabili nel collagene umano e animale. Questo genere di analisi permette di ricostruire la componente proteica della dieta.

?13C and ?15N variations in terrestrial and marine foodwebs of Beagle Channel in the Holocene. Implications for human paleodietary reconstructions

In this article we evaluate the isotopic variability in ?13C and ?15N values of diets among maritime hunter-gatherers of the Beagle Channel (Southern Argentina). A system with two end members –marine and terrestrial resources– is not enough to describe populations with diversified subsistence strategies. Moreover, these marine hunter-gatherers are characterized as highly mobile groups whose foraging ranges comprised not only nearshore areas, but also offshore spaces.

Botany meets archaeology: archaeobotany at Motya (Italy)

Archaeobotany is the discipline that merges botany with archaeology. It is based on the study of plant fossils
found in archaeological contexts with the aim to reconstruct plant use and diets of ancient populations, as
well as the environment and the climate of the past, focusing on how people have adapted to them and
reacted to their changes. Plant fossils include seeds and fruits (carpology), wood and charcoals (xylology and
anthracology) and pollen (palynology).

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