
La drammatizzazione dell’epica. Tra «Amadigi» e «Liberata»

The dramatization of epic poetry between Amadigi and Liberata · The study examines the stil- istic analogies and the intertextual references between the pathetic-eleciac episodes of Amadigi and Ge- rusalemme Liberata, identifying a common sensibility in dramatizing the nodal scenes of the poems. Therefore, it is analyzed the battle between lovers Alidoro-Mirinda and Tancredi-Clorinda; the invectives of abandoned Corisanda and Armida; and the lament of Lucilla and Licasta on the lifeless body of Ali- doro and Agelao in relation to the xiith and xixth cantos of Gerusalemme Liberata.

Docupublicidad. La función del pathos en el storytelling del documental publicitario

Growing intolerance towards traditional advertising and the demand for authenticity in
communication and marketing offerings have, in the last decade, led consumers to privilegeforms
of promotional communication content of a less spectacular and more informative
nature, which is also integrated with the programming of the media, instead of
inserted parasitically into it. Hence the choice of some companies to produce branded
contents aimed at the narration of reality, and in a documentary style.

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