Peer to peer networks

The What-To-Ask Problem for Ontology-Based Peers

The issue of cooperation, integration, and coordination between information peers has been addressed over the years both in the context of the Semantic Web and in several other networked environments, including data integration, Peer-to-Peer and Grid computing, service-oriented computing, distributed agent systems, and collaborative data sharing. One of the main problems arising in such contexts is how to exploit the mappings between peers in order to answer queries posed to one peer.

Finding a bounded-degree expander inside a dense one

It follows from the Marcus-Spielman-Srivastava proof of the Kadison-Singer conjecture that if G = (V, E) is a ∆- regular dense expander then there is an edge-induced subgraph H = (V, EH) of G of constant maximum degree which is also an expander. As with other consequences of the MSS theorem, it is not clear how one would explicitly construct such a subgraph. We show that such a subgraph (although with quantitatively weaker expansion and near-regularity properties than those predicted by MSS) can be constructed with high probability in linear time, via a simple algorithm.

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