peer review

Considerazioni metodologiche sulla Vqr 2011-2014 e possibili sviluppi della valutazione

The work wants to address the methodological and procedural aspects of recent exercise of VQR 2011-2014 from a critical and constructive point of view. After a brief introduction, the longstanding issue of an universally applicable quality research definition, which is functional for organisation of research-outputs evaluation form and for formulation of referee evaluation, is deal with. Subsequently, the procedure for the composition of GEVs, the selection of referee and the different phases of peer review are examined in depth.

Recensione a Maria Teresa Biagetti, Valutare la ricerca nelle scienze umane e sociali. Potenzialità e limiti della library catalog analysis, con scritti di Antonella Iacono e Antonella Trombone, Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2018

Recensione ala volume di Maria Teresa Biagetti, Valutare la ricerca nelle scienze umane e sociali. Potenzialità e limiti della library catalog analysis, con scritti di Antonella Iacono e Antonella Trombone, Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2018

Ethical Theories in Research Evaluation. An Exploratory Approach

Research evaluation encompasses the practices of assessing research quality and impact at various stages of research. The processes and criteria of research evaluation vary depending on the nature and objectives of the assessment. Different research evaluation systems influence the research strategies of universities and institutes. There are, however, some known issues of research evaluation with regards to the peer review and, most prominently, the use of citation-based metrics, which lead to recent calls for responsible use of metrics.

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