
People, technology, and governance for sustainability: the contribution of systems and cyber-systemic thinking

We live in an ever-increasing unsustainable world in which sustainability shows to be a complex multidimensional and multi-stakeholder problem. The complexity to address is increasingly beyond our traditional response capabilities. Hence the challenge is “how we account for this complexity in the quest for a sustainable world underpinned by inclusion and fairness” (Espejo 2018).

Global populism and processes of de-democratization. An interdisciplinary dialogue

In the last few years, the study of populism has become one of the most important lines of development of socio-political reflection on the dilemmas of contemporary democracy. Moving from the main results achieved by the international research group on «global populism» founded by Carlos de la Torre, this paper proposes an interdisciplinary dialogue on the main theoretical and methodological issues raised by recent research on this key phenomenon of contemporary politics.

Roma città smart? Rome, a smart city?

La consapevolezza collettiva dei problemi che riguardano la natura sociale ed economica, il governo, la mobilità e l’ambiente hanno reso necessario ripensare alle città, luoghi sensibili per eccellenza, in termini di Smart Cities.
La commissione europea ha promosso nel 2011 l’iniziativa Smart Cities and Communities attraverso la quale ha dettato le linee guida per lo sviluppo delle città in maniera intelligente, in controtendenza a un malessere ambientale e ai danni prodotti dalla globalizzazione.

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