peptide amphiphile: beta-sheet conformation

Polymorphic self-organization of Lauroyl peptide in response to pH and concentration

Amphipathic peptides are attractive building blocks for the preparation of self-assembling, bio-inspired, and stimuli responsive nanomaterials with pharmaceutical interest. The bioavailability of these materials can be improved with the insertion of d amino acid residues to avoid fast proteolysis in vivo. With this knowledge, a new lauroyl peptide consisting of a sequence of glycine, glycine, d-serine, and d-lysine was designed. In spite of its simple sequence, this lipopeptide self-assembles into spherical micelles at acid pH, when the peptide moiety adopts disordered conformations.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma