
Sul primo periodo del filellenismo italiano. Due raccolte di poesie dedicate a Caterina II e ad Alessio Orlov

The article’s focus is on two poetic collections, the one dedicated to Catherine the Great and the other to Alexios Orloff, both published in Naples, and on a political article, published in Florence in the early 1770s, and highlights their importance for the Italian Philhellenism. Offering an overview of the literature related to the subject, the author underlines the lack of sufficient attention on the specific texts that F. Venturi first presented in 1979.

Conservative stances in progressive disguise: Xie Wuliang 謝無量 (1884-1964) and the periodization of the first History of Chinese Women’s Literature (1916)

In 1916 Xie Wuliang published a "History of Chinese Women’s Literature", the very first of its kind. Its macrostructure was characterized by a threefold periodization apparently imitating an imported Western model, which was embedded in a linear and teleological vision of time. After placing the book in both the ideological context of women’s writings and the historiographical practice of Chinese literary periodization, this paper performs a textual analysis of the "History" to assess the principle(s) underlying such periodization, as well as its consistency and results.

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