
Peroxynitrite activates the NLRP3 inflammasome cascade in SOD1(G93A) mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Neuroinflammation, characterized by the appearance of reactive microglial and astroglial cells, is one of the several pathogenic mechanisms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a fast-progressing and fatal neurodegenerative disease. Cerebrospinal fluid and spinal cord of ALS patients and SOD1 mutant mice show high concentrations of IL-1β. This interleukin, expressed as an inactive precursor, undergoes a proteolytic maturation by caspase1, whose activation, in turn, depends on inflammasomes. Whether and how inflammasome is activated in ALS models is still to be clarified.

Nitric oxide alleviates cadmium- but not arsenic-induced damages in rice roots

Nitric oxide (NO) has signalling roles in plant stress responses. Cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) soil pollutants alter plant development, mainly the root-system, by increasing NO-content, triggering reactive oxygen species (ROS), and forming peroxynitrite by NO-reaction with the superoxide anion. Interactions of NO with ROS and peroxynitrite seem important for plant tolerance to heavy metal(oid)s, but the mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear.

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