philosophy of technology

Companion Robots: The Hallucinatory Danger of Human-Robot Interactions

The advent of the so-called Companion Robots is raising many ethical concerns among scholars and in the public opinion. Focusing mainly on robots caring for the elderly, in this paper we analyze these concerns to distinguish which are directly ascribable to robotic, and which are instead pre-existent. One of these is the "deception objection", namely the ethical unacceptability of deceiving the user about the simulated nature of the robot's behaviors. We argue on the inconsistency of this charge, as today formulated.

Del viajero al turista hiperconectado. From the Traveler to the Hyperconnected Tourist

This article tries to clarify the contrast between the contemporary tourist figure and
the romantic traveler. From a conceptual and theoretical framework, it is our aim to
establish a critical apparatus to problematize the influence of new media in the experience of
travel nowadays, as a part of the Industry of Culture. From categories of analysis such as the
unexpected, the travel as a personal transformation or the authenticity, our essay deals with
a critical perspective of the hyperconnected tourist, specially through the smartphone, from

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