
Lat. issula in Plauto e l'assimilazione del gruppo -ps- nel latino parlato

The -ps- > -ss- regressive assimilation is admittedly part of a general weakening drift of syllabic codas in late latin, as in the cases of -kt- > -tt- / -xt-, -ks- > -ss- and so forth. The early Plautinian noun issula “mistress” (< ipsula) in a corrupt passage of Cistellaria (v. 450) is traditionally interpreted as the very first occurrence of this well-known vulgar latin phenomenon (cf. ital. esso, scrisse etc.). After a thorough inspection of all the available evidence, both in the inscriptions and in the literary texts, three points should be underlined.

The Middle Persian voicing of OIr. *‑k‑ in the parallel traditions

In the present paper it is argued that the Middle Persian voicing of OIr. *‑k‑ in post-vocalic position occurred only after the voicing of the other two Old Iranian voiceless stops. This claim is suggested by a closer inspection of the treatment of the outcomes of OIr. *‑k‑ in Middle Persian of the Pahlavi Books, in Manichaean Middle Persian, in New Persian, and in the parallel tradition represented by the Greek versions of the Sasanian multilingual inscriptions.

Middle-Persian Morphology and Old Persian Masks: Some Reflections on “Proto-Middle Persian”

Il lavoro delinea una nuova ipotesi di lettura delle grafie 'aberranti' proprie delle tarde iscrizioni achemenidi. Apre l'articolo una rassegna delle opinioni più accreditate circa lo status delle grafie tardo-achemenidi. Sulla base degli indizi fonologici e scrittori e tenendo conto delle peculiarità della scrittura sillabica achemenide, si dimostra come determinate scrizioni tardo-achemenidi riflettano la morfofonologia proto-mediopersiana. Viene ricostruito il sistema dell'ergatività scissa propria del medio-persiano che si ritiene funzionasse già in epoca tardo achemenide.

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