photoemission spectroscopy

spettroscopia fotoelettronica di interfacce elettroattive per sistemi di conversione e accumulo di energia

spettroscopia fotoelettronica di interfacce elettroattive per sistemi di conversione e accumulo di energia

La reattività superficiale di materiali nanostrutturati innovativi (carboniosi, ossidi di metalli di transizione, materiali bidimensionali stratificati), che possono essere utilizzati come elettrodi in sistemi di accumulo e conversione dell'energia, viene studiata attraverso spettroscopia di fotoemissione/fotoassorbimento sia dei livelli interni (XPS) che di valenza (UPS), sia con sorgenti tradizionali che di sincrotrone.

Investigating the electrodeposition mechanism of anodically grown NiOOH films on transparent conductive oxides

Electrodeposition of NiOOH is an attracting route toward nanosized films of NiO, a p-type semiconductor used in many advanced applications. In this paper, the deposition mechanism is thoroughly investigated aiming at the clarification of the deposition dynamics and the chemical nature of the deposit. We focused on initial stages of the potentiostatic deposition on ITO, which yields a nanostructured film. In the potential range investigated the process is mass transport controlled and strongly overlaps with oxygen evolution reaction.

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for understanding molecular and hybrid solar cells

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the characterization of molecular and hybrid solar cells. This technique allows for atomic-level characterization of their components as well as for the determination of the electronic structure that governs the key conversion processes. In this chapter, we introduce the basic concepts of electronic structure in molecules and semiconducting materials followed by a description of the concepts of photoelectron spectroscopy and how they relate to electronic structure.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma