Physical attractiveness

Are Individuals Perceived as More Attractive within a Group? A Confirmative Study of Group Attractiveness Effect and the Cheerleader Effect in China

The stereotype "what is beautiful is good" suggests that having an attractive physical appearance is very important to people's lives. Physical attractiveness, as an important personal trait, plays vital roles for shaping one's first impression, and for influencing one's subsequent evaluation and selection, based on obvious visual features. However, the contextual difference of the physical attractiveness between a group and its group members has been given less attention. For this reason, Van Osch et al.

Trajectories of Italian Children’s Peer Rejection: Associations with Aggression, Prosocial Behavior, Physical Attractiveness, and Adolescent Adjustment

In the present study, the predictors and outcomes associated with the trajectories of peer rejection were examined in a
longitudinal sample of Italian children (338 boys, 269 girls) ages 10 to 14 years. Follow-up assessments included 60% of the
original sample at age 16–17. Low, medium, and high rejection trajectory groups were identified using growth mixture models.
Consistent with previous studies, we found that (a) being less prosocial and more physically aggressive at age 10 was characteristic

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