piezoelectric effect

Piezoelectric effect and electroactive phase nucleation in self-standing films of unpoled PVDF nanocomposite films

Novel polymer-based piezoelectric nanocomposites with enhanced electromechanical properties open new opportunities for the development of wearable energy harvesters and sensors. This paper investigates how the dissolution of different types of hexahydrate metal salts affects β-phase content and piezoelectric response (d33) at nano-and macroscales of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanocomposite films. The strongest enhancement of the piezoresponse is observed in PVDF nanocomposites processed with Mg(NO3)2·6H2O.

Phase inversion in PVDF films with enhanced piezoresponse through spin-coating and quenching

In the present work, poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) films were produced by spin-coating, and applying different conditions of quenching, in order to investigate the dominant mechanism of the β-phase formation. The influence of the polymer/solvent mass ratio of the solution, the rotational speed of the spin-coater and the crystallization temperature of the film on both the β-phase content and the piezoelectric coefficient (d33) were investigated.

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