pituitary disorders

Adrenal and pituitary disorders

Adrenal and pituitary disorders

All glands are created equal, but some glands are more equal than the others. Understanding the complications and the development of new treatments for pituitary and adrenal disorders has exploded in the past decades. We have contributed to investigating and systematically analyzing the available evidence. Our favorite condition is the most difficult of them all, Cushing's syndrome. Nonetheless, the international community has also appreciated our research on obesity, the metabolic effect of GH, and the treatments used to manage its excess.

Endocrinology and adolescence: dealing with transition in young patients with pituitary disorders

The transition age is the period between childhood to adulthood, it refers to a broad set of physical, cognitive and sociocultural modifications, arbitrarily defined as starting in late puberty and ending with full adult maturation. Pituitary disorders in adolescence represent a challenge that requires careful management during the transition to adult care.

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