
The “Elderly” Lesson in a “Stressful” Life: Italian Holistic Approach to Increase COVID-19 Prevention and Awareness

It's a frightening time due to COVID-19, but the great elderly/centenarians, apparently with more frailty, seem to have a better response to the pandemic. “The South Italy” lifestyle seems an “effective strategy” promoting the well-being embedded in a holistic solution: healthy diet, less exposure to PM10 pollution, protected environment, and moderate physical activity. The European FP7 Project RISTOMED results, since 2010, have shown that dietary intervention improved a heathy status in the elderly people.

Modeling air quality regulation by green infrastructure in a Mediterranean coastal urban area. The removal of PM10 in the metropolitan city of Naples (Italy)

The amelioration of air quality represents one of the most complex challenges that the European Union is facing today. Although a successful strategy to improve air quality should decisively act on pollution sources, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) may provide a huge contribution to tackle air pollution, while delivering a wide range of Ecosystem Services and enhancing the Natural Capital.

Valutazione dell’efficienza dell’utilizzo di foglie di A. donax L. per il biomonitoraggio delle concentrazioni atmosferiche di componenti elementari di PM10

Numerosi studi hanno evidenziato la possibilità di utilizzare le foglie come alternativa low-cost per il biomonitoraggio dell’inquinamento atmosferico da PM in ambiente urbano. Nello specifico, tramite la caratterizzazione chimico-fisica delle particelle depositate sulle foglie è possibile ottenere informazioni sul ruolo e l’impatto di diverse sorgenti emissive di PM. Infatti, queste caratteristiche sono direttamente influenzate dal tipo di processo e di sorgente emissiva. Il presente studio è focalizzato sulla valutazione dell’efficienza di foglie di Arundo donax L.

Desert dust contribution to PM10 loads in Italy: methods and recommendations addressing the relevant European Commission guidelines in support to the air quality directive 2008/50

In 2011 the European Commission (EC) released specific ‘Guidelines’ describing the methods to quantify and subtract the contribution of natural sources from the PM10 values regulated by the European Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC). This work investigates the applicability to Italy of the EC-Methodology suggested for desert-dust, describes main limitations encountered and proposes specific modifications embedded within a ‘revised-Methodology’ to extend/improve its use.

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