
Migration and Institution: the Case of Veneti

In the migration process, to maintain some forms of belonging and a distinct ethnic identity, also combining elements from the original country with others already active in the country of settlement, can prove effective to respond to the various needs of people involved (Thomas, 1997 [1921]). Institutions play an important role in attracting or assimilating migratory flows within hosting countries, and in engaging migrants, through a particular institution such as "ethnic specialization" in the labor market (ie.

Le urgenze del cambiamento climatico. La geoingegneria nell'agenda politica

This article examines the role that geo-engineering has taken on the political agenda. The relevance of these choices for the everyday life of people should prompt us to reflect on the dynamics of climate governance not only with respect to the various responsibilities, but also with attention to the distribution of the impacts of the damage caused by changes. Reflections and concerns that geography deals with in the debate on human-environment relationships. Relations also transformed by increased knowledge on Nature but, paradoxically, by increased uncertainty

Ambiente e Mercato

Nell’articolo si esamina la relazione tra la finanza, la tecnologia e il cambiamento climatico con attenzione al ruolo che la geoingegneria ha assunto nell'agenda politica. L'importanza di queste scelte per la vita quotidiana delle persone dovrebbe spingerci a riflettere sulle dinamiche della governance climatica.

No saturation in the accumulation of alien species worldwide

Although research on human-mediated exchanges of species has substantially intensified
during the last centuries, we know surprisingly little about temporal dynamics of alien species
accumulations across regions and taxa. Using a novel database of 45,813 first records of
16,926 established alien species, we show that the annual rate of first records worldwide has
increased during the last 200 years, with 37% of all first records reported most recently
(1970–2014). Inter-continental and inter-taxonomic variation can be largely attributed to the

From asilomar to genome editing. Research ethics and models of decision

The aim of the presentation is to focus on the differences between two scientific contexts: the genetic engineering context of the 1970s, with specific attention paid to the use of the recombinant DNA technique to generate genetically modified molecules, and the current genome editing context, with specific attention paid to the use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to modify human germline cells genetically.

Italian policy for asylum seekers health-care: from national to local application

Background: Asylum seekers are refugees who have left their country of origin and have applied for residency in another country. Italy recognises and guarantees international protection and healthcare coverage for asylum seekers. The request for and the decision on a residency permit may require months and during both stages they could be without health-care coverage. Each region is autonomous in its application of national protocols.

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