
The triclinium of the ‘Casa del Moralista’ and Its Inscriptions: CIL IV, 7698 = CLE 2054

The so-called ‘Casa del Moralista’ stands out from other houses in Pompeii on account of its summer triclinium’s parietal decoration; here, we find three metrical inscriptions which are unique in the Campanian city and rare in general. One elegiac couplet is found on each wall. These texts will be evaluated from a literary point of view, but also within their immediate environmental context, to understand whether their arrangement on the three walls of the room is random, or follows a logical order.

Stabian baths in Pompeii. New research on the development of ancient bathing culture

The Stabian Baths in Pompeii play a major role for the reconstruction of the development of ancient bathing culture. In 1979, Hans Eschebach argued that this complex would have been de- veloped in 7 phases from a Greek palaestra with bath section of the 5th c BC into the sophisticated Roman baths that were buried by Vesuvius in AD 79. This paper shows that this developmental model must be significantly revised.

Auf den Spuren antiker Textilkultur. Textile Hinterlassenschaften zur Zeit des Vesuvausbruchs 79 n. Chr.

The research project Textile Culture at Pompeii is a multidisciplinary project, whose aim is to provide new input to the ongoing debate on the significance of the textile economy in the Vesuvian area in antiquity by considering textile culture as a whole. Archaeological investigations on contexts as well as archaeometric analyses on textile micro-samples reveal new information about the ‘textile topography’ of Pompeii, the local and imported goods as well as the standardised or high-quality textile products.

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