
“La destra populista in Europa: una prospettiva economica”

L’analisi economica dei fattori alla base della domanda elettorale di populismo è ancora a uno stadio iniziale, nonostante i significativi progressi determinati da un numero crescente di studi. In questo lavoro ci proponiamo di fornire una prima rassegna dei contributi chiave forniti dalla letteratura economica sul populismo e di analizzare, tramite una analisi multidimensionale, le principali caratteristiche del profilo dell’elettore populista, alla luce delle opinioni pubbliche fornite dall’indagine Eurobarometro nel 2017.

Depoliticizzazione e (ri)politicizzazione: le sfide dei populismi

This chapter deals with the relationships between the depoliticization and repoliticisation dynamics concerning public actions and the framing of the collective issues and the most important phenomenon of change affecting contemporary politics and political systems, populism. Contemporary populisms can be interpreted as a consequence of the depoliticisation processes triggered by the advent of post-democracy and neoliberalism, as well as of the connected processes of globalization and Europeanization of public policies.

The “TV side” of the migration in the 2018 Italian general election

In the recent years, the migration phenomenon has obtained a relevant position within the International public debate. In particular, it represents one of the most relevant theme in the current media agenda for its composite nature that is reflected in the economic, political and cultural spheres of society. If, on the one hand, the migration has continued to play a key function in media narrative as representative agents, in the other hand, it has gained a new prominent position in the political agenda at the international level.

Fake news and politics in Italy

The diffusion of fake news has allowed the public debate to focus on two spe- cific topics: the uncontrollability of the web and the production of grassroots information, but also the transformations due to the advent of an ever more “disintermediated” jour- nalism. If, on the one hand, new production routines require publishing companies to use automatisms in packaging and diffusion of news; on the other hand, users – tied to the digital more than to the “paper” medium – are not able to distinguish “true” from “false” news.

Global populism and processes of de-democratization. An interdisciplinary dialogue

In the last few years, the study of populism has become one of the most important lines of development of socio-political reflection on the dilemmas of contemporary democracy. Moving from the main results achieved by the international research group on «global populism» founded by Carlos de la Torre, this paper proposes an interdisciplinary dialogue on the main theoretical and methodological issues raised by recent research on this key phenomenon of contemporary politics.

Germany means Europe. Post-electoral reflections on the largest european democracy. An Introduction

Never as in this moment has reflecting on Germany also meant reflecting on Europe. There is not one
aspect of the current European public debate that is not also present in the German political agenda.
Anti-European populism, migration’s management, sustainable economic growth, relations between
Member States and European Union, change of leadership in established political parties, fragmentation
of the electorate, difficulty in the achievement of stable and lasting government majorities: all these

Populism in power? The 2016 Administrative Elections in Rome

2016 City Elections in Rome have been crucial for many reasons. In a context where political actors’ communication strategies are constantly evolving, every new occasion to apply them to an electoral campaign represents an important contribution to the construction of that permanent campaigning Blumenthal (1980) theorised in the early Eighties. Italian local elections have always been important chances to “test” the political forces’ “strength” both at local and national level.

The relationship between economic performance and the rise of ‘Unholy Alliances’ in the European Union

This article investigates the phenomenon of ‘unholy alliances’: grand coalitions and ideologically-incoherent coalitions in the EU. In the last decade, these types of government majorities have proliferated, even in countries that have not previously experienced them. This substantial increase happened during the years of the so-called Great Recession, together with the electoral growth of populist movements and new political parties. This article investigates the potential correlation between these ‘unholy alliances’ and the economic situation of countries.

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