
Power moderates the effects of social dominance orientation on punishment An experimental analysis

In this study, it was hypothesized that experimentally manipulated levels of power would moderate the association of dispositional social dominance orientation (SDO) with preferences for harsh punishment. In particular, we expected to detect a stronger effect for dispositional SDO in the low-power condition, relying on the notion that low power enhances sensitivity to threats to the status quo, and that high SDO individuals are particularly motivated to enforce hierarchy-enhancing measures as punishment.

Mapping power

In opposition to the classical assumption that would see maps as neutral and objective products, deconstructionist critique has long explained their ideological and instrumental nature. This decisive intellectual reorientation of the conception of the map has clearly shown that maps conceal within a power of persuasion and that they have served discourses of power. But the deepening of the relationship between maps, authority and scholars via this approach has granted prominence to the first two elements, leaving the third in a distinctly subordinate position.

Pre-modern understandings of rule-making

Since his entering into office a year ago, Italy’s Minister of Interior Matteo Salvini has proved to be the true leader of the governmental coalition between the Five Star Movement and the Lega, run by Salvini himself. His populist approach looks far closer to that of Orbán than to the confused ideology of the Five Star Movement. Contrary to the latter, Salvini always gives the impression of knowing exactly what he wants.

What makes you ‘super-rich’? New evidence from an analysis of football players’ earnings

This article investigates the influence of performance, popularity, and bargaining
power on ‘super-earnings’ using a unique panel dataset of Italian football players
built on various sources of data. Using OLS, Panel, and Unconditional Quantile regression
techniques, we find that detailed measures of these factors are all significantly
associated with higher wages. Popularity dominates all the other factors at
the right tail of earnings distribution, and the agent’s power contributes mostly to

Introducing approximate memory support in Linux Kernel

This paper describes the implementation of approximate memory support in Linux operating system kernel. The new functionality allows the kernel to distinguish between normal memory banks, which are composed by standard memory cells that retain data without corruption, and approximate memory banks, where memory cells are subject to read/write faults with controlled probability.

For Love of the World: Hannah Arendt's political Legacy in an Age of Populismi

What can we still learn from Hannah Arendt’s political categories and reflections on the public realm in an era that sees the growing spread of populisms? The large critical literature on Arendt’s work has been spreading over the years a sort of standardized vision, according to which Arendt was a nostalgic and anti-modern thinker, whose aim was to rehabilitate the greek polis model against the modern decline of the public sphere, so that very few of her conceptual categories are still useful to understand contemporary phenomena.

For love of the world. Hannah Arendt's political legacy in an age of populism

What can we still learn from Hannah Arendt’s political categories and reflections on the public realm in an era that sees the growing spread of populisms? Among the large number of current debates, in the age of populist simplification and of the so-called “post-truth”, Arendt's relationship between truth, lying and politics seems to assume particular relevance.

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