power flow

Electrical Loads and Power Systems for the DEMO Nuclear Fusion Project

EU-DEMO is a European project, having the ambitious goal to be the first demonstrative
power plant based on nuclear fusion. The electrical power that is expected to be produced is in the
order of 700–800 MW, to be delivered via a connection to the European High Voltage electrical grid.
The initiation and control of fusion processes, besides the problems related to the nuclear physics,
need very complex electrical systems. Moreover, also the conversion of the output power is not

EV charging stations and RES-based DG: A centralized approach for smart integration in active distribution grids

Renewable Energy Sources based (RES-based) Dispersed Generation (DG) and Electrical Vehicles (EVs) charging systems diffusion is in progress in many Countries around the word. They have huge effects on the distribution grids planning and operation, particularly on MV and LV distribution grids. Many studies on their impact on the power systems are ongoing, proposing different approaches of managing. The present work deals with a real application case of integration of EVs charging stations with ES-based DG.

New dispatching paradigm in power systems including EV charging stations and dispersed generation: A real test case

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are becoming one of the main answers to the decarbonization of the transport sector and Renewable Energy Sources (RES) to the decarbonization of the electricity production sector. Nevertheless, their impact on the electric grids cannot be neglected. New paradigms for the management of the grids where they are connected, which are typically distribution grids in Medium Voltage (MV) and Low Voltage (LV), are necessary. A reform of dispatching rules, including the management of distribution grids and the resources there connected, is in progress in Europe.

The doubly-fed induction generator as part of the electrical machines curriculum

The doubly-fed induction machine has long been reputed as a curiosity with few practical applications. Consequently, very often there was not enough space to treat this machine in undergraduate electrical machines curricula in the past. But times changed and today this machine is often an integral part of wind turbines as electric generator. This way, getting familiar with the relevant operating principles becomes a desirable task for undergraduate students. This paper proposes a circuit-based theoretical approach which may serve as a template for an undergraduate lecture.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma