
Né il caso né la necessità: La Poetica di Aristotele e la contingenza

Il saggio intende portare un contributo alla dimostrazione di come la Poetica di Aristotele, strettamente collegata, ben più di quanto riconosciuto spesso dalla critica, al resto del corpus filosofico aristotelico e alla grande tradizione della tragedia attica, abbia saputo profilare anche in campo poetico quella teoria della contingenza che, distinta dalle nozioni di caso e di necessità, sta alla base del pensiero etico dello Stagirita.


Introduzione e curatela di un numero monografico dedicato: "Field theories. Psychology, linguistics, biology"(ed. by Marina De Palo).

Bühler and the two-field theory. The notion of “field” in language, between philosophy and psychology

An important development of the notion of “field” in linguistics is found in Karl Bühler’s Sprachtheorie (1934), and in particular in his theory of the two fields (symbolical and deictical), through which he provides a perceptual, pragmatic and social anchoring of language. In Bühler’s work, situation and context jointly determine the material space for the play of linguistic forms (Spielraum). The idea of action is the key to his notion of “field”.

La decisione tra astratto e concreto. Appunti sul problema della Rechtsverwirklichung nel giovane Schmitt

"Gesetz und Urteil" is a seminal text by the young Carl Schmitt concerning the definition of legal praxis, which contains an initial formulation of his notion of decision. The present essay analyzes this basic thesis as it is expounded in the book by the great German jurist and philosopher. The close affinity between the activity of the judge and the rising concept of "the political" is also pointed out as being the idea upon which Schmitt would later develop his famous doctrine of sovereignty.

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