preclinical model

Cholangiocarcinoma: bridging the translational gap from preclinical to clinical development and implications for future therapy

Introduction: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a devastating liver tumor with a poor prognosis. While less than 50% of the patients with CCA may benefit from surgical resection, the rest undergoes chemotherapy with disappointing results (mean survival <2 years). Alternative pharmacological treatments are needed to improve the outcomes in patients with CCA.

The reduction in glutamate release is predictive of cognitive and emotional alterations that are corrected by the positive modulator of AMPA receptors S 47445 in perinatal stressed rats

S 47445 is a positive modulator of glutamate AMPA-type receptors, possessing neurotrophic and enhancing synaptic plasticity effects as well as pro-cognitive and anti-stress properties. Here, the drug was assessed in the perinatal stress (PRS) rat model, known to have a high predictive validity with monoaminergic antidepressants. The effects of a chronic treatment (i.p.) with S 47445 were investigated on risk-taking, motivational and cognitive behavior.

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