prefrontal cortex

Visual salience of the stop signal affects the neuronal dynamics of controlled inhibition

The voluntary control of movement is often tested by using the countermanding, or stop-signal task that sporadically requires the suppression of a movement in response to an incoming stop-signal. Neurophysiological recordings in monkeys engaged in the countermanding task have shown that dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) is implicated in movement control. An open question is whether and how the perceptual demands inherent the stop-signal affects inhibitory performance and their underlying neuronal correlates.

A network activity reconfiguration underlies the transition from goal to action

Neurons in prefrontal cortex (PF) represent mnemonic information about current goals until the action can be selected and executed. However, the neuronal dynamics underlying the transition from goal into specific actions are poorly understood. Here, we show that the goal-coding PF network is dynamically reconfigured from mnemonic to action selection states and that such reconfiguration is mediated by cell assemblies with heterogeneous excitability. We recorded neuronal activity from PF while monkeys selected their actions on the basis of memorized goals.

Interference between space and time estimations: from behavior to neurons

Influences between time and space can be found in our daily life in which we are surrounded by numerous spatial metaphors to refer to time. For instance, when we move files from one folder to another in our computer a horizontal line that grows from left to right informs us about the elapsed and remaining time to finish the procedure and, similarly, in our communication we use several spatial terms to refer to time. Although with some differences in the degree of interference, not only space has an influence on time but both magnitudes influence each other.

The epistatic interaction between the dopamine D3 receptor and dysbindin-1 modulates higher-order cognitive functions in mice and humans

The dopamine D2 and D3 receptors are implicated in schizophrenia and its pharmacological treatments. These receptors undergo intracellular trafficking processes that are modulated by dysbindin-1 (Dys). Indeed, Dys variants alter cognitive responses to antipsychotic drugs through D2-mediated mechanisms. However, the mechanism by which Dys might selectively interfere with the D3 receptor subtype is unknown. Here, we revealed an interaction between functional genetic variants altering Dys and D3.

Stress-induced strain and brain region-specific activation of LINE-1 transposons in adult mice

Transposable elements (TEs) are conserved mobile genetic elements that are highly abundant in most eukaryotic genomes. Although the exact function of TEs is still largely unknown, it is increasingly clear that they are significantly modulated in response to stress in a wide range of organisms, either directly or indirectly through regulation of epigenetic silencing. We investigated the effect of repeated restraint stress (2 h a day, for 5 d) on transcription levels of LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposon in the brain of inbred BALB/c, DBA/2, C57BL/6N, and outbred CD1 mice.

Flexible use of allocentric and egocentric spatial memories activates differential neural networks in mice

Goal-directed navigation can be based on world-centered (allocentric) or body-centered (egocentric) representations of the environment, mediated by a wide network of interconnected brain regions, including hippocampus, striatum and prefrontal cortex. The relative contribution of these regions to navigation from novel or familiar routes, that demand a different degree of flexibility in the use of the stored spatial representations, has not been completely explored.

Unbalance between Excitation and Inhibition in Phenylketonuria, a Genetic Metabolic Disease Associated with Autism

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most common genetic metabolic disease with a well-documented association with autism spectrum disorders. It is characterized by the deficiency of the phenylalanine hydroxylase activity, causing plasmatic hyperphenylalaninemia and variable neurological and cognitive impairments.

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