primary health care

Ambulatory care, insurance, and avoidable emergency department utilization in North Carolina

Objective: To examine whether and how avoidable emergency department (ED) utilization is associated with ambulatory or primary care (APC) utilization, insurance, and interaction effects. Design and sample: A cross-sectional analysis of electronic health records from 70,870 adults residing in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, who visited an ED within a large integrated healthcare system in 2017. Methods: APC utilization was measured as total visits, categorized as: 0, 1, and > 1.

Have Romanians changed the use of Italian healthcare services after their entry into EU?


The appropriate use of the National Health Systems (NHS) can be difficult for foreigners, leading to misuse of emergency rooms (ERs) and to underuse of primary care services. This study investigated the risk of avoidable hospitalization using Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs) for several chronic and acute conditions that can be prevented with appropriate ambulatory care among Romanians, the most representative foreign population in Rome, highlighting differences before and after their entry into the EU in 2007.


Accesses to ER for Alcohol and Drugs Related Conditions among Foreigners in Rome, 1999-2014


Alcohol and drugs abuse and dependence are a well-known issue for foreign populations. The aim of this study was to characterize the admissions to the emergency room of three hospitals of Rome from 1999 to 2014 for these conditions and to highlight the differences between Italian citizens and foreigners. The impact of educational level (EL), with respect of the nationality, was also investigated.


© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma