primary school

Promoting social competence and preventing aggression in primary school: an intervention based on social information processing

Social Information Processing interventions (Li et al.,2013) promote children Social Problem Solving (SPS) competence and
social skills. Our aim is to test the effectiveness of a SPS training in an Italian context.
Participants were 105 children (41 girls, mean age =8,7) who attended six classes in the same school. Project lasted two years.
Three classes were assigned to Group1 (N=61), and three classes to Group2. Both groups were tested at T1 (beginning 3rd Class),

Teaching Non-Italian Students: Italian Adaptation of the Questionnaire on Teachers’ Perspectives

The survey of teachers’ perspectives on the teaching of refugees and immigrant pupils by Kurbegovic (2016) is used to evaluate five dimensions of teachers’ self-perception: Selfefficacy, Implementation Practices, Cultural Competence, Competence/Preparation and Student Needs. The present study is aimed at analysing the self-awareness of primary school teachers of the teaching of refugee and immigrant students in Italy. The survey of Kurbegovic within its 30 items (Cronbach’s Alpha = .86) was conducted on a sample of 190 teachers who teach in primary schools in Rome.

The relationship between teachers and students: Children’s pictorial representation and teachers evaluation

The student-teacher relationship (STR) in a primary school was examined through children’s drawings of a positive and a negative situation and how they related to teachers’ answers both to the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) as well as to a School Adaptation Scale (SAS). Drawings were scored with PAIR, an instrument devised to measure Cohesion (psychological relatedness) and Distancing (psychological autonomy) between partners. Cohesion prevailed over Distancing in the drawings of the positive situations, while the opposite happened in the negative situations.

Social Network Analysis to Study The Relations Between Italian And Foreign Children in Primary School

The issue regarding how to guarantee peaceful coexistence between different ethnic groups in a multicultural society is becoming central to contemporary public debate. All public institutions are facing the challenges of intercultural integration to avoid that ethnic differences became social inequalities; the primary school, as the first socialization agency, is called to play a central role, because it represents the first moment when immigrant children are socialized to legal and cultural norms of society (Rumbaut, 2005).

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