product innovation

Weaker jobs, weaker innovation. Exploring the effects of temporary employment on new products

This work explores the relationship between temporary employment and product innovation focusing on five major European economies (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands) observed between 1998 and 2012. The analysis distinguishes sectors according to their technological characteristics and regimes finding that industries using temporary employment tend to have a weaker product innovation propensity.

The gains from technology. Technology, exports and profits

The introduction of new products, greater competitiveness-based export performances, and higher profits are three major benefits from technological change. We build on previous work that has identified ‘virtuous circles’ between R&D, innovation and profits in firms and industries [Bogliacino, F., and M. Pianta. 2013a. “Profits, R&D and Innovation: A Model and a Test.” Industrial and Corporate Change 22 (3): 649–678; Bogliacino, F., and M. Pianta. 2013b. “Innovation and Demand in Industry Dynamics. R&D, New products and Profits.” In Long Term Economic Development, edited by A.

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