
Italy and the little divergence in wages and prices: evidence from stable employment in rural areas

This article presents an early modern wage index for stable rural male workers in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. These wages highlight the importance of distinguishing between locations and contract types when considering historical workers’ living standards, and they speak to a longstanding debate about whether Italy’s early modern downturn was purely an urban phenomenon, or an all-embracing one. Our data lend support to the former view, since we do not detect any downturn in our early modern rural wages. This observation informs the little divergence debate.

Productivity and efficiency analysis software: an exploratory bibliographical survey of the options

The software available to implement and carry out efficiency analysis is crucial for the diffusion of efficiency frontier techniques among applied researchers and policy makers. The implementation of up‐to‐date productivity and efficiency analysis is indeed important to advance our knowledge in many fields, ranging from the public and regulated sectors to the private ones. This contribution fills a gap in the existing literature and surveys the currently available options to estimate a variety of frontier methodologies using either general or dedicated programs.

Sustainability of prevention practices at the workplace: safety, simplification, productivity and effectiveness

Traditional full-time employment has evolved into various types of occupational situations, and, nowadays, new work organization strategies have been developed. Previously overlooked risk factors have emerged, such as traffic accidents while commuting or during work hours, poor work organization, and detrimental lifestyles (like alcohol and substance abuse, although recent statistics seem to show a declining trend for the latter). The global scenario shows greater attention to occupational risks, but also, to the reduced degree of protection.

Stagnazione secolare, produttività, contrattazione salariale e benessere sociale

L’articolo riprende i principali risultati del Rapporto sullo stato sociale 2017 curato dall’autore. Nella prima parte si analizzano la natura della “grande recessione” iniziata nel 2007-2008, le sue connessioni con l’ipotesi che sia in atto una “stagnazione secolare”, la tendenza alla riduzione della dinamica della produttività, la valutazione critica delle proposte di decentramento contrattuale dei salari e i ruoli che possono essere affidati all’intervento pubblico e al welfare state per superare la crisi.

Market regulation, labor policies and the wage-productivity gap

This paper proposes an empirical analysis about the influence of some institutional factors (taxation, active and passive labor market policies, labor and goods market regulation and unions’ participation) on the component of the wage growth not explained by the productivity growth (WP gap, thereafter). We consider a 14 OECD countries Panel Data over the period 1983-2003, using four different estimations: fixed effects vector decomposition (FEVD), fixed effects (FE), random effects (RE) and feasible general least square (FGLS).

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