property prices

An innovative methodological approach for the analysis of the effects of urban interventions on property prices

The evaluation of the effects that an urban intervention generates on the area in which it is realized, and more generally on the city-system, plays a central role in the
definition of its effectiveness, as it measures the effects that may derive from its implementation in terms of improving the quality level of the natural and built environment. The present research intends to propose and test a methodological and operational approach to evaluate, with quantitative indicators, the effects that an

Multicriteria analysis and genetic algorithms for mass appraisals in the Italian property market

In the present paper, two innovative methodologies (Utility Additive and Evolutionary Polynomial Regression) for mass appraisal of residential properties have been tested and compared. The aim is to deepen their characteristics, by exploring the potentialities and the operating limits.

Multicriteria analysis and genetic algorithms for mass appraisals in the Italian property market

In the present paper, two innovative methodologies (Utility Additive and Evolutionary Polynomial Regression) for mass appraisal of residential properties have been tested and compared. The aim is to deepen their characteristics, by exploring the potentialities and the operating limits. With reference to the same case studies, concerning samples of residential properties recently sold in three Italian cities, the two procedures are tested and the results are compared.

An analysis of the noise pollution influence on the housing prices in the central area of the city of Bari

With reference to the European goals concerning the noise pollution control, the present research aims at verifying the existence and, eventually, determining the influence level of the acoustic component on the selling prices in the residential segment. The analysis has been contextualized to the city of Bari (Southern Italy) and the study sample concerns one-hundred residential units recently sold, for which the main influencing factors in the selling price formation processes have been identified.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma