protein oxidation

Protein oxidative damage in UV-related skin cancer and dysplastic lesions contributes to neoplastic promotion and progression

The ultraviolet (UV) component of solar radiation is the major driving force of skin carcinogenesis. Most of studies on UV carcinogenesis actually focus on DNA damage while their proteome-damaging ability and its contribution to skin carcinogenesis have remained largely underexplored.

Disturbance of redox homeostasis in down syndrome: role of iron dysmetabolism

Down Syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic form of intellectual disability that leads in the majority of cases to development of early-onset Alzheimer-like dementia (AD). The neuropathology of DS has several common features with AD including alteration of redox homeostasis, mitochondrial deficits, and inflammation among others. Interestingly, some of the genes encoded by chromosome 21 are responsible of increased oxidative stress (OS) conditions that are further exacerbated by decreased antioxidant defense.

The structural response of Human Serum Albumin to oxidation: a biological buffer to local formation of hypochlorite

Human Serum Albumin (HSA), the most abundant protein of body fluids, has a “modular” three-domain structure potentially responding to stress by means of changes of conformation (1). Besides acting as the main carrier protein of the circulation, HSA is also an obvious target of extracellular reactive oxidant species due to its high abundance in plasma. It is for this reason considered the main anti-oxidant defense in blood (2).

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