
How much is known about glassy materials in Bronze and Iron Age Italy? New data and general overview

Knowledge of glass trading in protohistoric Southern Italy has been limited by a lack of archeometrical data available to date, preventing comparison with the well-known Northern Italian context. The aim of the present work is to help fill the data gap for Southern Bronze-Iron Age vitreous items and enable a general overview of protohistoric Italian glass supply routes.

Archival arrangement and description in the Cloud: a preliminary analysis

Cloud Computing is the new technology that is changing our practices and attitudes. How should archivists arrange and describe resources in such environment? More specifically, how is the cloud environment going to affect arrangement and description theory and practice? What is the impact of preserving and providing access to archives in the cloudm in light of the traditional principles of provenance, respect des fonds and original order?What is the role of traditional finding aids , if any, in describing cloud-based fesources?

Provenance in the archives.The challenge of the digital environment

The Principle of Provenance is a pillar of Archival Science. In its very early stages it mostly meant not to intermingle documents from different origins. This view has been challenged in the past fifty years: archival provenance has moved from a simplistic one-to-one relationship to a multi-dimensional concept based on a network of relationships between objects, agents and functions.

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