psychological contract

"You can see how things will end by the way they begin". The contribution of early mutual obligations for the development of the psychological contract

This study explores dynamic processes in the development of the psychological contract, focusing on the interaction of obligations related to the two parties (i.e., employees' perceptions of both their own and the organization's obligations fulfillment) on attitudinal outcomes (organizational commitment and turnover intention) during the initial stage of the employment relationship.

One perception, two perspectives. Measuring psychological contract dimensionality through the Psychological Contract Content Questionnaire

The present study aims to contribute to the validity strengthening of a psychological contract meas- ure, assessing the dimensionality of the item structure of the Psychological Contract Content Question- naire (PCCQ). According to the authors (De Vos, Buyens, & Schalk, 2003), the scale consists of two theoretical dimensions, one to measure perceived employer inducement (PEI) and the other to measure perceived employee contributions (PEC), both from the employee’s perception, each divided into five content areas.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma