public policy

Évolution historique et développements récents des politiques publiques en Italie

The aim of our research is to analyze the evolution of public policies in Italy. These policies are undergoing
profound changes in Italy and in Europe as a result of changes in the structure by sex and age of the population
and the social and economic consequences of these changes. Did the Italian policies take into account those
changes ? What has been the role played by the economic and institutional factors in the evolution of policies ?
The second objective of this research is to examine how the public policies adopted in Italy over the past forty

The manifesto of human diversity and unity, eighty years after the Italian racial laws

On July 14 of 1938, ten Italian scientists undersigned the “Manifesto della razza” - an emblematic example of the connections between ideology, race and racism - which paved the way for the laws directed against the rights of people of Jewish origin. Eighty years on, racism continues to poison Italian society. Our country is seeing a surge of intolerance and violence against migrants, while antisemitism is still alive and kicking and anti-Roma and anti-Muslim feelings have become more widespread in our country than in other European countries.

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