
The post-Jaramillo persistence of Sus strozzii (Suidae, Mammalia) in Europe. New evidence from the Vallparadís section (NE Iberian Peninsula) and other coeval sites

The Vallparadís composite section (VCS) includes the nearby paleontological sites of Cal Guardiola and Vallparadís Estació (Vallès-Penedès Basin, northeastern Iberian Peninsula). The section spans from before the Jaramillo subchron to the early Middle Pleistocene (ca. 1.2–0.6 Ma). In this study, we describe the suid record from VCS and we review those from several other European sites, in order to refine the taxonomic identity and chronostratigraphic range of Quaternary suids in Europe.

Quaternary disappearance of tree taxa from Southern Europe. Timing and trends

A hundred pollen and plant macrofossil records from the Iberian Peninsula, Southern France, the Italian Peninsula, Greece and the Aegean, and the southwestern Black Sea area formed the basis for a review of the Quaternary distribution and extirpation of tree populations from Southern Europe. Following a discussion of the caveats/challenges about using pollen data, the Quaternary history of tree taxa has been

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