
Synthesized 2-Trifluoromethylquinazolines and Quinazolinones Protect BV2 and N2a Cells against LPS- and H2O2-induced Cytotoxicity

BACKGROUND: Microglia are associated with neuroinflammation, which plays a key role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. It has been reported that some quinazolines and quinazolinones possess anti-inflammatory properties. However, the pharmacological properties of certain quinazoline derivatives are still unknown.

Comparison of the effects of synthetic and plant-derived mTOR regulators on healthy human ovarian cells

The aim of the present in vitro study was to compare the effects of synthetic and plant-derived mTOR regulators on healthy human ovarian cells. We compared the effect of two synthetic mammalian mTOR blockers MC2141 and MC2183 with that of natural/plant-derived mTOR blocker rapamycin and mTOR activator resveratrol on cultured human ovarian granulosa cells. We evaluated the accumulation of markers for the mTOR system (sirtuin 1; SIRT 1), proliferation (PCNA), and apoptosis (caspase 3) along with the expression of the transcription factor p53 by quantitative immunocytochemistry.

Palladium-Catalyzed Cascade Approach to 12-(Aryl)indolo[1,2- c ]quin­azolin-6(5 H )-ones

A straightforward one-pot approach to the synthesis of challenging 12-arylindolo[1,2-c]quinazolin-6(5H)-ones is described. Starting from readily available o-(o-aminophenylethynyl)trifluoroacetanilides, palladium-catalyzed aminoarylation of the triple bond with ArI, ArBr, and ArN2 +BF4 – is followed by cyclization of the resulting N-trifluoro­acetyl-2-(o-aminophenyl)-3-aryl indole. This sequential reaction provides the title compounds by means of a rare elimination of trifluoromethane.

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