Radiofrequency ablation

Locoregional therapy response in patients with hepatocellular cancer waiting for liver transplantation. Only selection or biological effect?

Locoregional treatments (LRT) represent a broad strategy used for reducing the risk of drop-off and contextually improving the survivals in patients with hepatocellular cancer receiving a liver transplantation (LT). However, it is not sufficiently clear if LRT are only a surrogate of tumor aggressiveness or if they consent a real benefit in terms of tumor stabilization. A recent study by Pommergaard et al reported the results from the European Liver Transplant Registry. Patients receiving LRT before LT had better 5-year survival rates respect to no-LRT cases (69.7% vs 65.8%; P < 0.001).

High ligation of sapheno-femoral junction and thermal ablation for lower limb primary varicosity in day hospital setting

High ligation of sapheno-femoral junction and thermal ablation for lower limb primary varicosity in day hospital setting AIM: The traditional surgical treatment for lower limb primary varicosity has been for a long time high ligation of sapheno-femoral junction and stripping of great saphenous vein. Surgery, however, has been frustrated by postoperative pains and discomfort and recurrences so that it has been challenged by minimally invasive endovenous techniques such as laser treatment and radiofrequency ablation.

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