
Study and ground simulations of outgassing and hypervelocity impacts on carbon-based materials for space applications

Recently, the focus of Space Research has been set both on scientific and commercial fields. When planning a mission in space, it is necessary take into account the environment in which the instrumentations and the satellite that carries them will go to work. About 25% of operating anomalies are in fact due to the space environment that affects the control and management systems of the spacecraft and of the instrument.

Hypervelocity debris impact damage of space composite structures

The increasing amount of debris in Earth orbit poses a danger to users of the orbital environment. During the design phase of a spacecraft, an important requirement may be specified for the survivability of the spacecraft against Meteoroid / Orbital Debris (M/OD) impacts throughout the mission; moreover, the spacecraft structure is designed to guarantee its integrity and reliability during the launch and, if it is reusable, during descent, re-entry and landing.

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