railway system

Il trasporto ferroviario in Calabria. Da problema a opportunità

Tra le regioni del Sud la Calabria costituisce una realtà urbano-territoriale complessa, ricca e stratificata eternamente sospesa tra la ricerca di un (ri)equilibrio delle proprie componenti ambientali, economiche, sociali, culturali, infrastrutturali, insediative e paesaggistiche, e i continui insuccessi e le sconfitte che ne hanno segnato la storia ostacolandone la crescita e lo sviluppo. Una regione fragile, frammentata e interrotta deve oggi confrontarsi con i nuovi bisogni, i nuovi attori, le nuove forme di pianificazione, coniugando sviluppo, innovazione e qualità ambientale.

A methodologic approach to define the railway junctions capacity

The paper reports a methodologic approach to define the capacity of railway junctions. The railway traffic increase, together with the improvement of passenger comfort, has produced a greater need for electricity. Consequently, solutions to augment the railway system capacity, including railway junctions, have to be achieved. In order to design new plants and to improve or certificate the existing ones, simulation of the overall railway system is necessary. In this paper the Authors propose a guideline with a theoretical approach to study the capacity of railway junctions.

Techno-economic sizing of auxiliary-battery-based substations in DC railway systems

Auxiliary-battery-based substations (ABSs) can enhance conventional railway feeder systems. In particular, ABSs make dc feeders located in areas far from the ac grid able to power high-performance passenger and freight trains and store their braking energy. This paper proposes a techno-economic method to define size, position along the track, and control parameters of an ABS, with the goal to minimize the annual cost of energy. Our approach takes into account the replacements of battery modules within the ABS's expected lifetime in order to reduce costs.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma