rapid diagnosis

Diagnosis: Future Prospects on Direct Diagnosis

During the past three decades, due to the development of new technologies that allow faster and more accurate virological diagnoses, clinical virology laboratory has taken on an important role in the patient’s clinical management. Besides, it is now possible to define, more quickly and precisely than before, viral gene sequences related to specific viral variants (including drug-resistant strains) or to viral and host factors that can affect the natural history of infections.

Application of biofilm film array blood colture identification panel for rapid identification of the causative agents of ventilator associated pneumonia

Objective: To evaluate the ability of the BioFire FilmArray Blood Culture Identification (BCID) panel to rapidly detect pathogens producing late-onset ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), a severe infection often produced by Gram-negative bacteria. These microorganisms are frequently multidrug resistant and typically require broad-spectrum empiric treatment. Methods: In the context of an international multicentre clinical trial (MagicBullet), respiratory samples were collected at the time of suspicion of VAP from 165 patients in 32 participating hospitals in Spain, Greece and Italy.

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