real estate market

An innovative methodological approach for the analysis of the effects of urban interventions on property prices

The evaluation of the effects that an urban intervention generates on the area in which it is realized, and more generally on the city-system, plays a central role in the
definition of its effectiveness, as it measures the effects that may derive from its implementation in terms of improving the quality level of the natural and built environment. The present research intends to propose and test a methodological and operational approach to evaluate, with quantitative indicators, the effects that an

An empirical-deductive model for the assessment of the mortgage lending value of properties as securities for credit exposures

Purpose: In the present research an innovative methodology for the assessment of the mortgage lending value is proposed and tested. The method developed tries to improve and to rationalize, within the canonical and derivative approach that is generally used by the sector operators, the appraisal of the percentage reduction to be applied to the market value.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma