
Measuring Neurophysiological Signals, Fixations and Self-report Data for Product Placement Effectiveness Assessment in Music Videos

Product placement is a marketing technique that, by inserting products into a narrative structure, constitutes a likely effective tool to increase the visibility and notoriety of a brand. For years, the opportunities for product placement in music videos were limited. Recently, there has been a growth of interest for this tool/advertising modality since the digital community allowed the possibility to move videos from television to the Internet. The scope of the present study is to investigate the effectiveness of the product placement in music videos.

L’approvazione della prima procedura di recall a dieci anni dallo scandalo del rimborso spese dei deputati e la “crisis of confidence” verso la classe politica britannica

Il lavoro si sofferma ad esaminare l'approvazione della prima procedura di recall nei confronti di un deputato della Camera dei Comuni a dieci anni dallo scandalo sulle spese dei parlamentari che ha segnato la politica britannica con conseguenze nel lungo periodo

Comparing recall vs. recognition measures of accident under-reporting

Over 3 million work-related injuries and illnesses occur annually. This symposium presents five empirically, contextually, and methodologically diverse studies that provide insight on how to enact effective safety interventions given different national, industry, and organizational features. The session opens with empirical findings from a large scale study undertaken in hospitals in China and India, providing important evidence on the role of national and organizational labor practices in safety management.

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