
Connections: The Use Social Associations With Migratory Background Make of ICT to Build Social Capital for Newcomers’ Social Integration

Psychological studies in the field of migration attest that social integration is enhanced by social capital. Communities of origin and the ones of resettlement play different role in the promotion of newcomers’ social integration. Nevertheless, researches highlighted that connections between migrants and resettlement communities are the hardest to be established. By reinforcing existing ties and generating new connections among communities, ICT represent a resource for the creation of migrants’ social capital.

Social and Psychological Capital for the Start-Up of Social Enterprises With a Migratory Background

The highest number of forcibly displaced people has been currently recorded due to war, poverty, and climate change. Recently, a process that recognizes refugees as reliable interlocutors for the improvement of reception policies has started. Refugees are therefore encouraged to start up social enterprises aimed at fostering newcomers’ social integration to participate to such a phenomenon.

Family Reunification: International, European and National Perspectives

Il volume contiene i risultati di una ricerca internazionale, a carattere interdisciplinare, sul ricongiungimento familiare. La prima parte del libro è dedicata all'analisi del quadro normativo internazionale a livello universale e regionale e la seconda alla disamina, anche in chiave comparativa, della legislazione nazionale di alcuni Paesi membri dell'Unione europea (Austria, Germania, Ungheria e Italia).

Family Reunification in the United Nations Human Rights Law

Il contributo è dedicato allo studio del ricongiungimento familiare dei rifugiati e dei migranti attraverso l'analisi della normativa universale in materia di diritti umani (hard law e soft law), senza trascurare la significativa prassi sviluppatasi al riguardo in seno ad alcuni dei principali organismi onusiani preposti alla promozione e controllo sul rispetto dei diritti umani.

The Great War against Eastern European Jewry, 1914-1920

Il libro analizza le condizioni degli ebrei russi durante la prima guerra mondiale e il periodo delle rivoluzioni in Russia grazie a una solida base documentaria fornita dagli archivi del Joint Distribution Committee. Oltre all'opera di assistenza, comunque, si cerca di approfondire le problematiche connesse alla guerra, come la violenza e le normi anti-ebraiche, la questione dei rifugiati e i pogrom successivi alla conclusione del conflitto.

Support for collective action against refugees. The role of national, European, and global identifications, and autochthony beliefs

To understand recent anti-refugee protests in Europe, we examined how different levels of inclusiveness of group identities (national, European, and global) are related to intentions to protest among native Europeans. We focused on the mediating role of autochthony (a belief that the first inhabitants of a territory are more entitled) and the moderating role of threat. Survey data from 11 European countries (N=1909) showed that national identification was positively associated with autochthony, and therefore, with the intention to protest against refugees.

From racial hoaxes to media hypes. Fake news’ real consequences

Racial hoaxes are becoming a popular discursive strategy to disguise racism, as well as a powerful means for triggering waves of fake news and outraged comments both on mainstream and social media. Built on grounds of plausibility and consistency with existing narratives, racial hoaxes may remain latent for a long time, and periodically emerge when negative stereotypes can be framed as actual news stories.

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