regulatory modes

The relation between locomotion and assessment regulatory orientations and the problematic Internet use

The present study examines the relationships between generalized problematic Internet use (GPIU) and two regulatory modes (RMs) namely Locomotion and Assessment. Through an on-line survey conducted on two hundred and forty six participants we found that Locomotion and Assessment regulatory orientations have opposite effects on the likelihood of developing GPIU, with the former reducing and the latter increasing it.

Health behaviours and risk taking intentions. The role of regulatory modes and self-control

Two studies were conducted to examine whether the intention to adopt positive and avoid unhealthy behaviours is affected by primed regulatory modes (RMs) namely assessment and locomotion and by chronic self-control. In the first study, participants in the assessment condition showed higher intentions to adopt nutritionally healthy behaviours, but lower intentions to engage in physical exercise compared to those in the locomotion condition.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma